The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix strives to be a spiritual community for our time, focused on diverse theological perspectives, radical inclusion, and knowing that issues of justice and equity shape everything we do.
With a special awareness for those who have been historically marginalized, we welcome all, of every race, class, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious background, mental and physical ability and disability. We welcome your whole self, your family into our worship as we build a community of caring, courage, and hope.
We are passionate about anti-racism, anti-oppression, equality, and justice work. Social justice is not just a component of our ministry; it is embedded into every part of us. We strive for a multicultural anti-oppression presence in every aspect of what we do, including worship, outreach, and even committee work.
Hello, UUCP Good Trouble Makers! First, we have kudos from UU the Vote AZ / UUJAZ: “Shout out to the UU the Vote team at Unitarian Universalist Church of Phoenix for already writing 410 postcards/letters and knocking on 161 doors for Arizonans for Fair Elections!” For all those interested in being poll watchers, here’s information
The Sanctuary Art Team would like to show off the talent of UUCP members and friends in an art show to be hung in the sanctuary in late August. We are looking for any kind of art that can be hung on the walls. This could be paintings, photography, textile art, or crafts made from cardboard
Twenty people have already stepped up to participate in the “UU the Vote Good Trouble” initiative, working toward the 2022 elections. Much more help is needed. Are you willing to write letters to voters? If so, postage is available at no cost to you. Email the Good Trouble team at
We will meet on Sunday, July 10 at 1:30pm via Zoom: ID: 929 0550 6684 | Passcode: Earth Newcomers are always welcome. For more information, contact Activity Updates On Friday, 7/1/22, Laurel Hardin attended the protest at the Sandra Day O’Connor Courthouse in Phoenix of the Supreme Court’s decision in W. Virginia vs. the
Our UU values are not being represented by our lawmakers The midterm elections are a crucial moment for us to defeat the rising threats to our democracy and human dignity. Join us in this fight as we launch UUCP’s #UUtheVote 2022 to become a Good Trouble Congregation. If you want to learn more and get
Our UU Principles can be summed up as “be kind and be useful.” We are needed to contribute to the greater good. For our country: Please get involved in the “UU the Vote Good Trouble” efforts. For our state: The Sunday, July 5 service, is your last chance to sign crucial AZ initiative petitions. To