The UUCP Nominating Committee is announcing a change in Board of Trustee officer candidates, with Bunny Hodas now running as President and Shelley Stephenson and Jonny Lifshitz as Co-Vice Presidents.
Sunday, June 4 - June 5, 2023 - 9:00am MST
Join the UUCP Board of Trustees to discuss the proposed 2023-24 budget and proposed UUCP bylaws amendment before we vote on them at our Annual Congregation Meeting in June. We will be holding 3 meetings: Zoom info for both meetings: Meeting ID: 856 6665 4796 | Passcode: UUCP4027 You can preview documents for the 2023 annual
The UUCP Nominating Committee is pleased to provide you with the names, bios and photos of the wonderful members who have agreed to take positions on the Board of Trustees, UU Foundation Board, and Nominating Committee for 2023-2024. You can read more about them in the Slate of Candidates for Leadership Positions at UUCP 2023-2024.
Sunday, April 23 - 12:30pm MST
Save the date! Sunday, April 23 at 12:30, in the Johnson Room. Program Council will meet for the first time in 2023. Your presence and participation is valued, in person or via Zoom.
Tuesday, April 4 - 6:30pm MST
Join your UUCP Board of Trustees on Zoom to chat about the proposed changes to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Article II, which outlines our principles and purposes.
Sunday, April 2 - 11:45am MST
Join your UUCP Board of Trustees in person during Coffee Hour to chat about the proposed changes to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Article II, which outlines our principles and purposes.