The stewardship campaign logo, which contains the words generosity and for our journey above and below the phoenix emblem

Our campaign runs from February 9th to 23rd this year. We want to celebrate you the giver, as your Generosity ensures we can Journey Into Our Mission. This Sunday (February 9), we will have all the ways to give available to you, including volunteers to help with pledging and setting up payments. Come prepared, because everyone that pledges will be entered into a raffle for $50 gift certificates. Can’t be there in person? You can still be entered into the raffle by pledging by midnight on February 9th. You can make your pledge here:

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is the act of protecting and being responsible for something worth caring for and preserving. The UUCP founders recognized the value proposition in establishing a home for progressive ideas and theology, and they left us their legacy. To appreciate how important UUCP is in each of our lives, we ask you to reflect on this year’s theme, Generosity for Our Journey. The Journey Into Our Mission Campaign is developing goals for our congregation. It is your generosity that will enable us to reach our goals. What aspects of UUCP are worth not only preserving, but nurturing, for you, for the congregation, and for the community?

Our budget for 2025-2026 is $615,000. This is a slight increase from last year’s budget of $610,000. This is basically a budget that keeps us where we are right now.  

In order to budget, we need to know your commitment.  

  1. Give us an amount of what you intend and hope to donate from July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026. You can make your pledge here:
  2. Set up payment of your Stewardship Pledge online, which anchors the financial well-being of UUCP. You can set up payment here:

If you have any questions about Stewardship, please email us

If you have trouble with the online systems, please ask for help

If you are unable to support UUCP financially this year, and wish to show your commitment to the congregation, please enter a pledge amount of $0. 

For all that you give to UUCP, we are grateful.  

For more information, contact .