Adventure Awaits
Indoors In-Person + Online: 10:30am MST
Led by: Rev. Christine Dance
Worship Associate: Mary McManus
Music: UUCP Members
New endeavors are hard work, requiring us to be brave and find strength. A loving community and curious mind may be the bold adventurer’s most important resource. As we begin a new congregation year, new school year, new jobs, new relationships, we take this Sunday to bless and honor one another’s paths. Please bring your backpack (school or hiking), laptop, favorite hiking boot, or other daily adventure accessory to be blessed.
Share the Plate
In April 2022, we started splitting our weekly offering 50/50 with a different organization each month, because we feel this approach better reflects our values than simply donating the entire offering from one service per month. The current recipient can be found on the homepage and in the sidebar on the Share the Plate page.
Please Join Us in Person or Online
Masking is required inside the building, and you will need to remain at least 3′ from anyone not in your household.
Not quite ready for indoor gatherings? You can still easily join us on Zoom from a smart phone, computer, or tablet:
You can also visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel for a live stream of the service and recordings of past services.
For audio only, phone 346-248-7799 and enter the meeting ID: 863 2854 4981
After-Service Happenings
COFFEE-LESS Hour—To keep people comfortable from the heat while maintaining COVID precautions, we have decided to offer a COFFEE-LESS Hour. We will have round tables set up in the Johnson Room where people can gather. We hope to offer games or cards in the future. We will not be serving food or beverages. Folks can gather and chat, but with MASKS ON. Learn