For most of our worship services beginning in the spring of 2020, we have video recordings of the full worship service and of just the sermon available for you to watch.

Has There Been A More Important Time for Progressive Faith?
Has there ever been a more important time for Unitarian Universalism's progressive community at UUCP than now? We could make a very compelling case that the answer is no. With the rise of Christian Nationalism, evangelical religion in politics, conservative courts and an unrestrained presidency, being a part of- and supporting UUCP- is critical. This will be the opening service of our Stewardship Campaign and the choir will be singing.

The World Is On Fire–What Can We Do?
On the day after UUCP's Climate Justice Revival, we will explore what we can do when the world is literally and metaphorically on fire. In this time when many of us are feeling helpless, let's explore together how we can be empowered to do what we can.

Spiritual Lessons from the Arizona Trail
Nature is a source of spirituality for many Unitarian Universalists. Vince Waldron shares reflections from his treks along the rugged and beautiful Arizona Trail, an 800 mile journey marked by awe, humility, and a deep sense of connection with his fellow travelers.

Churches As Places of Resistance and Healing–A Civil Rights Legacy
On this Martin Luther King Jr weekend, we will be reflecting on how the Black Church played a critical role in the Civil Rights movement--not just for organizing, but for community and mourning. We will be taking this time to embrace that role by recognizing the tremendous amount of loss this congregation has had in the last few years with a candlelight ritual for our own beloveds who have died. The choir will be singing for this important and meaningful service.

Journey Into Our Mission
We are in the second year of exploring what is important to UUCP after the pandemic and how we can further live into our mission. We'll be exploring the key focus areas for the congregation, the religious landscape we're in and the creative ways that we can be a "congregation for our time" in this year that has many of us anxious.

The Holy AND
Can two things that feel totally opposite at the same time both be true? Can we hold the dichotomy of emotions within a spiritual space? We will explore the many ways the "Holy AND" shows up in our lives and how it can be a path to greater understanding of our world and ourselves. This is the service topic that was part of our auction and won by Chris Fallon.