Do Ask, Do Tell
In-Person + Online:
10:30am MST
Online: 10:30am MST
Led by: Rev. Christine Dance & Major Margie Witt
Worship Associate: John Palumbo
Music: LGBTQ anthems with UUCP Choir
Major Margaret Witt was responsible for bringing down the U.S. military’s anti-gay “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy, and also happens to be a close friend of Rev. Christine’s. Join us to hear how she found a new purpose in fighting against discrimination, and to think about the work we have left to do. Immediately following the service, we will have our Mid-Year Congregational Update.
Please Join Us in Person or Online
Masking is optional inside the building.
Not quite ready for indoor gatherings? You can still easily join us on Zoom from a smart phone, computer, or tablet:
Meeting ID: 878 1997 4988
You can also visit our Facebook page or YouTube channel for a live stream of the service and recordings of past services.
For audio only, phone 346-248-7799 and enter the meeting ID: 878 1997 4988.
After-Service Happenings
In-Person Coffee/Exploration Hour
We offer Coffee/Exploration Hour outside on the shaded patio as well as in the Johnson Room. Please join us after the service for community and conversation! Masking is optional in both locations.
Virtual Coffee/Exploration Hour
If you aren’t attending the service in person, you can join us on Zoom immediately following the service for conversation and community: Meeting ID: 858 5089 3819 | Passcode: 402721
Children’s Ministry In-Person Programming
Join us every Sunday on the patio 15 minutes after the worship service ends; ask at the Welcome Desk for directions. Contact Katie Resendiz, Director of Children’s Ministry, for more information: katieresendiz@phoenixuu.org.
Share the Plate
In April 2022, we started splitting our weekly offering 50/50 with a different organization each month, because we feel this approach better reflects our values than simply donating the entire offering from one service per month. The current recipient can be found on the homepage and in the sidebar on the Share the Plate page.
Need Help with Zoom?
For technical assistance, contact uucpzoomsupport@phoenixuu.org.