The words Community Safety and De-escalation Training in white floating over the Drag logo

Join UUJAZ and Drag Story Hour Arizona for a Community Safety and Deescalation Training on Saturday, June 3rd at 8:30am at UUCP. We will gather for breakfast at 8:30 and train first on Creating Welcoming Spaces: songs, breathing, and body practices for deescalating ourselves and others.

These techniques are helpful for anyone at public demonstrations, protests, and direct action, and are required for UUs on our Joy Team to support our partners at Drag Story Hour Arizona. At 10:30 we will switch into an Active Shooter training from a safety professional, helpful for our Joy Team, plus anyone on congregational staff teams, safety teams, ushers, etc.

After breaking for lunch, the afternoon training from 2-7:30 is official certification for First Aid, CPR, and AED training, open to any UU or community partner group member who desires certification.