This calendar shows the current reservations for:

  • DVLC events that use UUCP spaces outside the standard DVLC campus, which includes: Annex A, Annex D, Annex E, Annex F, Annex G, Annex H, the DVLC Playground, the Turf, and the DVLC Office
  • EEC events that use UUCP spaces outside the standard EEC campus, which includes: the Courtyards; Room 9 (office shared with Children’s Ministry); Rooms 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15; and the EEC Playground

You can use the checkboxes to show or hide either calendar. You can use the > and < icons to navigate through the calendar, and you can switch between viewing an entire month or just a week. Selecting an event will display the start and end times as well as the location.

IMPORTANT: The times shown on the calendar reflect your local time zone.