Intern minister Brigitta Vieyra standing on rocks near the water

ED: Note. For the summer, our Ministerial intern Brigitta Vieyra will be taking over Reverend Christine’s Notes From Your Dance Partner column, and as per her request, the column name has temporarily changed to Field Notes From Your Ministerial Intern.

This month in worship together, we’re exploring what it means to be a people of possibility. When UUCP flocks together, we ask expansive questions about how to love and care for one another. Questions that do not just ask “what’s wrong” but also “what’s possible?” in alignment with our bold mission. Questions that require us to live our way through the answers for “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for” to create a more just, more whole and holy way of being human together.

This week, I’ve had the joy of spending some time at our UU Kids Kamp. Kids Kamp is actively creating the world we want to be in, the world we know is possible. Some of our middle schoolers are stretching into their power by organizing Kids Kamp Council this week, a group that is charged with making decisions about the programming and people for Kamp. In their communal wisdom, I was moved to remember that our youth are also the ones we’ve been waiting for. Historically in UUism, it has often been the youth who embody what it means to be a people of radical possibility.

This week, may we all carve out time to deepen the spiritual practices that lure us into places of radical possibility, places both inside ourselves and in the wider web of which we are bound.

-Brigitta Vieyra