Stewardship is the act of protecting and being responsible for something worth caring for and worth preserving. The UUCP Board and Staff invite each of you to be stewards of UU values in our congregation and community. As it is time to plan and complete our annual UUCP Stewardship drive, please come forward and join the team.

By joining the stewardship team, you will have the opportunity to work closely with other dedicated members of our community to ensure that our congregation has the resources it needs to continue to thrive. The greater the demographic representation of our membership and friends working towards sustainable growth, the farther we can go together.

We are looking for individuals who are passionate about UUCP and its mission, and can invest time and energy into ensuring its long-term success. If this sounds like you, we would love to have you on our team.

If interested, please contact or find a Board member during service. We anticipate a weekly meeting, some emails, and participation in outreach activities according to your time and talents.