For most of our worship services beginning in the spring of 2020, we have video recordings of the full worship service and of just the sermon available for you to watch.

When Quitting Seems Easier

Led by: Sarah Houghtelin
Worship Associate: Amy McKlindon

Being a teacher during the pandemic has been more than hard. Many people have either quit--or wanted to. What keeps us all from quitting when things get hard? And what can we learn from one of the great teachers in our congregation?

Radical Belonging

Led by: Rev. Christine
Worship Associate: Gary Ezzell

Our Vision says that we are striving to be "Radically Inclusive." But is that enough to just include everyone? Don't we want more than just being included? What would it take to feel Radical Belonging

White Supremacy Culture: Perfectionism

Led by: Reverend Christine Dance
Worship Associate: Carrie Lifshitz

This year, we are going to be talking about attributes of White Supremacy Culture, i.e., the culture we all are swimming in. We will start with one of the big ones—Perfectionism. How does our need to be perfect hold us back from being good? And how is living in the "imperfect" a way to fight racism?

Wooden bridge over stream in forest with sun filtering through branches

Peace in Transition

Led by: London Montgomery
Worship Associate: Mary McManus

When things move too fast, when we don't have the right information, when everything seems impossible, how do we find peace? Join us as we discover ways to accept, navigate, and celebrate transition.

Closeup of water droplet and ripples - water is reflecting blue and gold colors

Water Communion

Led by: Reverend Christine Dance
Worship Associate: Bill Snowden

Join us for our annual water communion.