A picture of Reverend Christine at the pulpit during her installation ceremony

Last week’s service on the “Question Box” was a first for me–I wasn’t sure how it was to respond on-the-spot to your deep questions. But I loved it! And I got a lot of feedback that you enjoyed it too (especially the Yodeling Pickle!)

Of course, there were a lot of questions we didn’t get to, so I thought I’d share some of them with you here. Some of these I may answer in future Dance Partner columns and some may deserve their own service.

  • Several years ago, I read that the hardest issue for ministers in sermon writing is balancing social issues and spirituality issues. Is that something you think about when you plan your services? Is that hard for you?  
  • I think it’s hard to be who we say we are. As a minister, how do you balance the needs of meeting such a diverse congregation?  
  • Some people find that it is hard to fit in at a Unitarian Universalist congregation if you are not educated. Any advice? 
  • How has Howard Thurman influenced your thinking?  
  • Why have so