We are a Good Trouble Congregation! This is a BIG THING. There will be two celebrations to recognize our labors of love surrounding the November ’22 Election. The first, in person celebration, will occur after service, in the Sanctuary, on February 26. We will be giving out Good Trouble pins and other goodies from the UUA. We hope you can come and party with us!
The second celebration is a national, virtual celebration on Tuesday, February 28 at 5:00pm. UU the Vote is honoring all that we accomplished in 2022. Our congregation worked hard to join the collective effort that helped us reach over 2 MILLION voters. Let’s show up in force for this national celebration and official announcements of all the Good Trouble Congregations.
To register, use the following link: Join me on February 28 to Celebrate Good Trouble with UU the Vote.
You’ll hear from UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray, Nicole Pressley, partners, and more. Join us for a special ceremony to