Hello My Beloveds!

Rev. Christine Dance

This Saturday, September 17 at 3:00pm, is an event I’ve been looking forward to for three years. One of the many things that we lost in the pandemic was the chance to have my ministerial installation, which was scheduled for the week after we shut down. We had said that we were going to wait until we could do it in person and have a big celebration—and it took us long enough that we actually get to share it with our 75th Anniversary!

I have said several times over the last few years that “I am SO installed already” as we’ve gone through so much together. And yet, we know the power of ritual; we know how powerful baby dedications, weddings, memorial services, and home blessings are, even if they happen later than the event happens. This ritual has us affirming the covenant between us and celebrates both the work that we HAVE done and the work that we are GOING to do.

I want to take this opportunity to make sure you all know how much of a place in my heart you all have. Whether you make it on Saturday or not, I want you to know how much of an honor and a joy it is to be your minister, to do the ministry of the congregation with you and how delightful it is to get to know you on deeper and deeper levels each year. I can’t wait to make it “official” and continue the amazing work together with you.

Read the details about the installation and plan to join us in person or on Zoom!

On a totally separate (and fun) note, thanks to those of you who had suggestions for this weekly newsletter. Here are the top finalists—which one(s) do you like?

  • From Your Dance Partner
  • Your Minister’s Musings
  • Humaning, Ministering, Musing
  • Dance, Dance Revelation
  • Let’s Dance!