Youth Overnight! Activism Everywhere

Youth ages 13-18 are invited to an Overnight at UUCP. The night will include: Cooking dinner together, workshops with local activists, planning our own actions, games, sleep, breakfast, heading to the AZ capitol to join UUs from around the state for UUJAZ’ Day At The Legislature, and lots and lots of time to hang out!

A group of kids on the trail during the last Navigators outdoor hike.

Navigators News!

Thank you to everyone that attended our first group hike last weekend. Attendees enjoyed an extremely hospitable climate as we meandered along the preserves’ cottonwood tree lined dragonfly trail. Our next group hike will take place on February 25 at the Gilbert Riparian Preserve. More information on that hike can be found below. Social Meetup

A picture of the Arizona Desert.

Navigators Update for January

Thank you everyone that made it to our first meeting of the year. We are excited about our upcoming hike this weekend. This is going to be our very first off campus hike since our group has existed. It is great to finally reach a point where we can come together and enjoy our connection

Kindle Circle Through May 28!

Toddler and Preschool Circle! We will play, sing, gather, and grow our UU power with structured activities and free play. Location:We’ll meet on the patio, and hold our session in room 15. Date / Time:Every Sunday through May 28 at 11:45am. For more information, contact

Imagination Celebration, through February 26!

For ages 5-13, but all ages are welcome. We’ll be focusing on stretching their creative brains while exploring themes of place, character, innovation, and hope. Location:We’ll meet on the patio, and the session will be in Room 10. Date / Time: Every Sunday through February 26, at 12:00 pm. For more information, contact children’s ministry.